Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall, 2008

Fall is a great time of year...fall colors, apples, apple crisp, pumpkins and pumpkin pie, hot chocolate, raking leaves! Every season is meaningful and we are able to look ahead with joy as we remember what came before, and how we got here. It can be hard to always count everything as a loss in comparison to the treasure of Christ; we can easily cling to the littlest thing, thinking it is our treasure! So we are currently allowing our "leaves" to fall, even raking them and casting them off, knowing that the life that Jesus brings is true life and truly the best in comparison to our short-lived "attachments" to things that are only for a season. God knows when we are in submission to Him...when we allow for His changes for us, when we let go, when we lay everything at His feet even if it hurts or feels like it is too much to lose, when we wait on Him for His resurrection power! He will bring new life, powerfully. He does not waste a Fall or a Winter season...we will keep watching for Him! But, we must rest in Him and trust His judgement, timing and loving care.

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